Wrong Warp postmortem
So, here it is. My first devlog. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm writing this. Maybe to exorcise some development demons? Or perhaps, just maybe, someone out there will get a kick out of reading this chronicle of stupid.
A Little Backstory
Let's be clear: I'm no programmer. I've tangoed with code multiple times, and each time my brain shit itself. Syntax? What's a loop and why it is "for"? It all becomes a jumbled mess. I get the gist of what's happening under the hood, but when it comes to actually writing the stuff, I'm about as useful as impotent in the midget orgy. That's why I've found refuge in the welcoming arms of game engines like Construct 2, which simplify the process to the point where even I can cobble something together.
The Idea
The jam theme was "Frogger-like." Seemed simple enough, right? Famous last words. Obviously, I was spectacularly wrong. I'm willing to bet there are at least a thousand ways to code the core gameplay loop in something like C# or Python that are infinitely cleaner and more efficient than my "pseudo-script" abomination. But hey, it is what it is. Originally, I envisioned grander plans: platforms that crumbled after a few seconds, a boss fight where you'd have to dash across the screen to hit two buttons... you know, the works. But, thanks to my ass-backward way of constructing the game's logic, it was about as feasible as being politician and decent human being at the same time.
The Troubles
Ah, the moving platforms. I truly, madly, wanted the player to hitch a ride on them. I battled with the code, trying everything I could think of, but the player just stood there, stubbornly refusing to budge. It was a crushing defeat. So, consider the fact that you have to manually hop along with the platforms as an unintentional "hard mode." (git gud) You're welcome? I also dreamed of crafting a plethora of levels, but Construct 2, in its infinite wisdom, makes it a royal pain to apply the main script's logic to different layouts with its "include" function. Things get jumbled, logic spontaneously combusts with no error messages, and I'm left staring blankly at the screen, wondering where it all went wrong. Hence, the game's rather short.
Trying New Things:
In a desperate attempt to streamline the process, I finally dipped my toes into the murky waters of Functions. The goal? Less repetition. The result? The levels stopped working or some really fucked shit started to happen. The takeaway from this cute little math adventure? Never try.
General Notes:
If there's one golden nugget of wisdom I've extracted from this steaming pile, it's this: PLAN AHEAD. I preach it to myself constantly, yet I consistently fail to heed my own advice. But just you wait, my next game is going to be HUGE! (It probably won't be. It'll likely be another small, silly project)
The End
So, hopefully, you had at least a little fun playing this janky little creation. And just to toot my own horn a bit: the art and music? 100% me. No AI, no asset packs, just good old-fashioned, effort. The pixel work is hmm "enthusiastic" but im proud of the tune in the background!
Anyway, until next time, ambiguous potential reader!
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